Children’s Group

Children’s Group Co-ordinator: Andrea Howe

Month: Event – Activity 2015-2016

January: Michael Bear – Michael Bear arrived in church in January. Every Sunday, one child is able to take Michael Bear home with them. They can record their adventures in the book provided Michael Bear enjoys sharing mealtimes, the outdoors, helping people, learning new things and saying prayers at bedtime.

February: Story Sack – The Story Sack was introduced in February. It includes activities, colourings, DVD and craft ideas.

March: Eisteddfod – On the 1st March, children entered their craft into a children’s Eisteddfod, which the whole parish enjoyed. Also in March we had Hearts of Jesus – Lenten penance activity for children in preparation for Easter.

Purple Heart: for attending church

Green Heart: for being caring, kind, helpful and for sharing

Pink Heart: for saying prayers

Blue Heart: for times you’ve said sorry

April: Easter Activities – Resurrection gardens, paper plate Calvary hills, finger paint cross and willow tree crosses were among the activities that the children were encouraged to present at Easter.

May: African Cow – Pennies were collected by the children so that St. Michael’s Church could buy a cow for a Mum in Ethiopia.

May/June: Rosary/Trinity – Activity booklets and guides provided for the children.

August: Sponsored Walk – An activity walk, in aid of the Church Garden was enjoyed by many of the children from the Parish.

September: Parish Treasure Hunt – A fun-filled hunt around the Brecon Town was enjoyed by families, in preparation for our Parish Feast.

October: All Hallows Eve – A wonderful Mass with the children of the Parish giving recognition to the Saints on All Hallows Eve. Children chose their favourite Saint and read a bidding prayer about them.

November: Nativity Practice – Children and grand-children were encouraged to come and accept a part for our Nativity. They committed to practising one evening in the week and before Mass on a Sunday.

December: Children’s Nativity Play – A delightful Nativity Play was hosted by the children of the parish on Sunday 21st December at 5pm. May parishioners came to see the true meaning of Christmas performed by the children.

 March: Lenten Group – Every Sunday during Lent before 11 am Holy Mass (starting on the First Sunday of Lent) a group was run for the Children’s Group in the Church Meeting Room. Children carried out a variety of activities in preparation for Easter as part of their Lenten journey. Easter Gardens were made by the children and displayed near the altar for all to see and reflect upon.

 April: Lenten moneyboxes – A big thank you to the children/families who collected £54 in their Christian Aid Lenten moneyboxes, providing five baby goats for the poor Bangladeshi families which will help them to support themselves. Be very proud of your fruitful efforts!

 May: Corpus Christi Procession – The children were organised to lead the Procession. They followed behind the cross bearer and processed through the town. They wore capes and sashes and all thoroughly enjoyed this essential part of our liturgical and spiritual life. In May we all so had Pentecost. For this the children led the Bidding Prayers in – German, Latin, Polish, Filipino, English, French and Welsh.


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